Other(ed) Spaces

A panel discussion with Shiva Balaghi, Ahoo Najafian, Minoosh Zomorrodinia, and Heather Rastovac Akbarzadeh as discussant.


Minoosh Zomorrodinia, Nomadic Lands, Ephemeral Bodies: Iranian Land Art

Ahoo Najafian, Diasporic Maladies: Afro-Iranian Healing Rituals in Southern Iran

Shiva Balaghi, The Poetics of Art in Public Places: On Siah Armajani’s Manifesto for Public Art

Shiva Balaghi
Ahoo Najafian
Minoosh Zomorodinia

Friday, November 4, 2016 – 1:30 to 3:00 pm PST at Department of Art & Art History, McMurtry Building, 355 Roth Way, Stanford University.
See event details and full schedule.



image: Seventhy Thousands Curtains by Open5  (photo credit Shahrnaz Zarkesh)